
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Custom Xmas Gifts

These earrings were commissioned by a friend of mine for his wife who is battling breast cancer right now. He also commissioned the bracelet,  but instead of going with a traditional pink, he chose colours that represent "strength, courage and hope". I love it cuz it evokes fire.

Commissioned Viking Knit set

There's also a 3rd commissioned project, but it hasn't been gifted yet (yes I know it's after Xmas) so I won't post a pic yet. SOON THO!!!!!

Some of the things I made over 2012

half vipera berus with coins

Japanese 12 in 2 earrings

herringbone weave earrings with dangles

purple and black dragonscale

wire cage for my crystals

scale maille flower

herringbone weave bracelets in assorted colours

assorted chainmaille bracelets

crocheted wire bracelet

viking knit bracelet

coiled chainmaillebracelet

stetchy helm chain

Marilyn bottlecap bracelet

Frida earrings with wire wrapped dangles

handmade chain and dangles with store bought charms

chainmaille cross

crocheted necklace with crystal dangle

herringbone wire wrapped jewelry set

another wire crocheted bracelet

one of many helm chain bracelets